What Does an Inspector Inspect?

Congratulations, you found a great home, made an offer and your offer was accepted! What comes next? Usually a home inspection. Most of the time offers will be contingent upon an acceptable home inspection. What will the inspector be looking for? Basically, they will be giving you a report card of the structure of your new home. It’s important to know that your home is safe or if it needs major repairs. Here are some things they will be looking for:

·        Is the wiring outdated or improperly installed?  Older homes may contain outdated electrical systems that may need a complete over hall to safely handle the load of today’s household needs. Also, it’s important to make sure that any wiring that is there is done correctly and up to code.

·         Is the roof in good condition? How old are the shingles? Are there signs of damage? Was it installed properly?

·         Are the furnace and A/C systems in good working order and how old are they?

·         Are there any signs of leakage in the plumbing system? Is the plumbing itself up to code and installed properly?

·         Are there potential drainage problems around the perimeter of the house? Are there gutters and if so are they in good working condition?

·         How much insulation does the home have and is there proper ventilation? Are the windows old and/or leaky?

·         How is the air quality in the home? Is there any indication of mold or radon? If needed a test will be taken to make sure the air quality is safe.

These are some of the major things a home inspector will look at and most of them can be quite costly if repairs are needed. However, don’t panic if the report brings back some bad news. You may have the opportunity to re-negotiate if you decide you still want to purchase.  You will have to decide if you’re willing and/or able to rectify any problems that the inspector may find. Home inspections are invaluable and will help you make an informed decision when buying a home.